Wednesday 16 December 2009

My Scarf

Ok, so I started a scarf using Rowan Big Wool at £7.99 a ball. I used the ball I had and upon realising I'd need three more I knew I'd have to wait to finish it til I could afford the rest of the wool. My parents came to the rescue and sent me the money so I could buy myself the wool from them for Christmas. I bought it, and I finished the scarf (with permission to use the wool before Christmas) and it's so gorgeous and snuggly! No more cold mornings for my neck/chin!!

- sent from iPod

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Alfie was cold

So I had to make him some little mittens! They're so cute, he loves them too!

- iPod post - JennyWrens

Sarah's Scarf

All done, gorgeous! There are a few imperfections where the yarn was joined but that adds to handmade character doesn't it?

- iPod post - JennyWrens