Sunday 14 November 2010

Back to Bunny

I've not knitted anything since finishing Mum's cardigan, and although it was only 2 weeks ago I really missed having something on the needles, so I thought I'd use up some stash yarn and get back to a little bunny knitting. She's very colourful, and is going to have a white dress to calm the colour situation down. I'm thinking of donating her to Alfie's nursery for their raffle (they had one last year, so presumably they'll have one this year too .... we'll see).

The fireworks were excellent, I love how magical they seem, even though I'm an adult! Alfie hadn't been to a display before, last year it was raining and the years before that he was just too young really. He's always oooooh'd and aaaaaaaah'd at them out the window so we thought we'd give it a go this year. He was fascinated with the bonfire, and we were right at the front of the crowd so when the fireworks started going off we were in the midst of the action, he wasn't all that keen, so Matt stayed with Charlotte at the front and Alfie and I moved further back, we could still see everything but from a more comfortable distance and he much preferred that. He was telling me what each one sounded like; some were like seagulls; some sounded like ripping paper (his description, and totally spot on!). All in all, a successful evening. We even managed to remember to buy sparklers (or sprinklers as Charlotte kept calling them).

I have caved slightly on the Christmas Card front. I'm not going to actually make the cards, but I'm still going to put one of the little decorations inside for people to hang on their tree, I feel much less stressed about the whole situation now, no need to continue worrying about having enough time to do it all. We went shopping on Friday and managed to buy 80% of our Christmas presents so now I can sit back, wait for December and get into the festive spirit. I love Christmas, but I love it AT Christmas, none of this "decorations up in November" rubbish ... and to be honest with you, come Boxing Day I'm generally fighting the urge to clear it all away, but from December 1st to December 25th I'm very festive!

It's raining outside, it's all gloomy, it's going to get dark again before it gets light.

Friday 5 November 2010

Christmas Cards and Fireworks!

I have spent today getting down to my Christmas Card making. I went to Hobbycraft after dropping Charlotte at school, my favourite thing to do, Alfie and I were waiting at the doors when they opened. I have been so busy with cardigan knitting that I fell waaaay behind with my snowflakes, consequently I don't think I have time to make 50 of them now. So I have pulled the sewing machine out and embarked on an idea which still uses the "put this on your tree" philosophy, but I've managed to make 23 today, a much faster turn around than the snowflakes, so now I only need to make 25ish of them, and I've already done 10.

Tonight we're all off to a bonfire and firework display. We've got sparklers at the ready and I'm looking forward to wrapping up warm, in my new mittens!