Saturday 19 February 2011

Eric the Sheep

Eric came to life fairly quickly. I began making him in bobble stitch but my first attempt wasn't quite right and my second attempt was slow and still not what I wanted, so I decided to give loop stitch a go. Loop stitch is definitely one of the knitting techniques that you need to watch to be able to do. I read three different sets of written instructions and each was different, and got me more and more confused, so I YouTube-d it and found video instructions. The only difference I did was knitting the second half of each loop stitch TBL, I think it made the overall structure tighter!

Anyway, once I'd mastered loop stitch (which is still fiddly but worth the effort) I moved on to the dangly iCord arms and legs. I began with what I thought was the legs, but when they were done they were smaller than I'd hoped, so they became the arms and I knitted bigger for the legs. Just a head and some ears to go which, thankfully, worked first attempt. There's nothing more frustrating when you're so close to finishing a pattern than having to rip out a few hours worth of work because it isn't how you wanted.

And here he is, Eric the Sheep. Just in time for pre-Easter knitting .... maybe we'll try for a chick too!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow Eric is gorgeous, looks so complicated, you are just too clever! xx
